General product development guides

General product development guides

Te Papa Digital Product Development Framework

Link: Te Papa's Product Development Framework (PDF)

Te Papa's Lean Canvas

Link: Te Papa's Lean Canvas

Te Papa uses a lean canvas to help identify problem/audience/solution fit. Our version is a slight modification of Ash Mauyra's Lean canvas to better suit our objectives and success measures

Digital Design language System (DLS)

Link: https://dls.tepapa.govt.nz/

Our Design Language System (or DLS) allows us to create and maintain a shared language of principles and patterns to inform the design and development of our digital properties. It is used to help create consistent user experiences for our audience inside and outside the walls of our museum.

Te Papa User testing guidelines

Link: Te Papa User testing guidelines (Last updated 22 Mar 2018)

If you want to create a great experience, there’s really no substitute for engaging directly with visitors. Often we build things based on what we assume people will want, only to find out when it’s too late that we assumed wrong. It’s better that we learn this early in the process before significant time and money has been invested in something that isn’t engaging for visitors.