A Heartbeat signal is required from your application to our monitoring system. This is intended to provide a basic monitoring facility to our operational staff to detect outages before they are reported.
- An HTTP POST request to a monitoring server within the local network
- The application should have a configurable monitoring server IP address and port.
- Example of payload / body: “{ arg: { version: "1.0.1", localtime: “2018-11-16T12:34:23.234Z” } }”
- Request header has to contain "Content-type: application/json"
- Configurable heartbeat interval with a default of 120 seconds
- Configurable on/off state to enable or disable the heartbeat
- The overall experience is not impacted by a slow response from the monitoring service.
Payload parameters are:
- arg: object – containing:
- version: string – release number (following semantic versioning)
- localtime: string – local time of the device (ISO8601) “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ”
You can test your heartbeat by posting to port 443 on<product-name>
Please note this is an interim testing endpoint using SSL - you do not need to support SSL in your interactive, an HTTP endpoint will be available soon.